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Customer Relationship Management - 16994 Words

Customer Relationship Management SYMBIOSIS INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT STUDIES (SIMS) Dissertation on Customer Relationship Management Submitted By: Ayush Singh Roll no:09 PRN No:68211 Class- 2(D) Semester: Fourth Semester Date required:18/2/2008 Date of Submission: 18/2/2008 Assignment Grade: Comments of the Faculty: 1 Customer Relationship Management CONCEPT OF CRM INTRODUCTION TO CRM CRM (Customer Relationship Management) has been growing steadily for the last few years and is now seen as the way forward for any business wishing to thrive in the e-future . CRM concentrates on the retention of customers by collecting all data from every interaction, every customer†¦show more content†¦The long term orientation is often emphasized because it is believed that marketing actors will not engage in opportunistic behavior if they have a long-term orientation and that such relationships will be anchored on mutual gains and cooperation. Another important facet of CRM is —customer selectivity. As several research studies have shown not all customers are equally profitable for an individual company. The company therefore must be selective in tailors its program and marketing efforts by segmenting and selecting appropriate customers for individual marketing programs. In some cases, it could even lead to —outsourcing of some customers — so that a company better utilize its resources on those customer it can serve better and create mutual value. However, the objective of a company is not to really prune its customer base but to identify appropriate programs and methods that would be profitable and create value for the firm and the customer. Thus Customer Relationship management can be defined as: —Customer relationship management is a comprehensive strategy and process of acquiring, retaining and partnering with selective customers to create superior value for the company and the customer. 4 Customer Relationship Management OBJECTIVE OF MY STUDY †¢ The objective of my project is to understand the concept of CRM and its benefits thatShow MoreRelatedCustomer Relationship Management Systems And Customer Relationships1128 Words   |  5 Pagesrepresentative of the business, and a customer. The customer has a problem or need and the salesperson seeks to address it. From the first line of communication, the salesperson assesses the situation and decides the best solution from their product or service line. Using intuition and skill, the representative leads the customer into buying the best product with hopes of turning a profit. 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