Sunday, May 17, 2020

Mental Health Counselors And Family Therapists Essay

II. Occupational Outlook Handbook 1) Mental Health Counselor is the occupation that I am currently looking into. a. â€Å"What they do?† -According to the website, â€Å"Mental Health Counselors as well as Marriage and Family therapists help individuals overcome and manage emotional disorders as well as mental disorders†. It also mentions how, these types of Counselors also help individuals manage and overcome any issues with their or other relationships. Lastly, the website mentions how Mental Health Counselors listen to their clients and ask questions to help their clients understand their problems as well as to develop strategies to improve their clients lives† ( A list of duties that the website listed in regards to Mental Health Counselors and Marriage and Family Therapists are: -â€Å"To diagnose and treat mental and emotional disorders, such as; depression, anxiety† ( -â€Å"Encourages clients to discuss their experiences and emotions† ( -â€Å"Helps clients to develop strategies and skills to change their behavior and also to help their clients learn how to cope with troubling situations† ( -â€Å"These types of counselors helps guide their clients through the process of making decisions about their future† ( -â€Å"These types of counselors refer their clients to other resources or services that areShow MoreRelatedDifferences Between Counselor, Msw, Pschologist, Psychiatrist, Therapist, Meditation Teacher1672 Words   |  7 PagesProfessional Counselor or LMHC, Licensed Mental Health Counselor: 3 MSW or Master of Social Work: 4 Psychiatrists: 5 Clinical Psychologist: 5 Alcohol and Substance Abuse Counselors: 5 Marriage and Family Therapist (MFT): 6 Mental Health Nurses: 6 Life Coaching: 7 Conclusion: 7 References 10 Differences between Human Service Providers: There are many different types of Licensed Mental Health Professionals or Human Service Providers. 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